Summary (English)
During this campaign investigation continued of the circular monument (the so-called Sepolcro or Tomba) and a new excavation was undertaken on a nearby rectangular building which was probably a small temple with a frontal flight of steps. As regards the so-called Sepolcro, the trench opened in 2003 was completed and partly enlarged and trenches were put in above the central circular space of the building which removed parts of the apparent tumulus. These investigations clarified various aspects of the monuments history: the floor levels around the building had been completely destroyed, the light well was built in the same phase as the construction of the drum, the flight of steps was built up against a buttress, the structure present on the opposite side of the monument is certainly modern and the peristyle reconstructed by Piranesi around the drum is in reality situated above it. These elements, together with an accurate survey of the structure provide the basis for the first hypothetical reconstructions of the plan and walls.
During the next campaign it is planned to extend the excavation around the Sepolcro and partially remove the deposit covering the drum. This will enable the investigation of the central space, which must surely have a decorative marble pavement and statues or sculpted decoration. (Alessandro Betori-Zaccaria Mari)
- Benedetta Adembri - Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio
- Patrizio Pensabene - Sapienza Università di Roma
- Studenti delle Facolt
- Alessandro Betori - Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio
- Enrico Gallocchio - “Sapienza” Università di Roma
- Zaccaria Mari - Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio
Research Body
Funding Body
- Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio
- Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
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