Summary (English)
PLOSKATA MOGILA SETTLEMENT MOUND (Rositsa Mitkova – The site was situated to the north of the River of Maritsa. Sondage excavations were carried out on the settlement mound in 1973 – 1974 and its southwestern periphery was explored in 2015. During building works in 2017, strata were destroyed on part of the site. In 2018, rescue explorations were carried out. The strata were over 5 m deep, containing sherds of the Early and the Late Neolithic period, the Early Chalcolithic period and the Early Bronze Age. A destroyed house with an oven was documented, probably of the Late Neolithic or the Early Chalcolithic period. A pit of the Late Iron Age and two pits of the Roman period dug into the settlement mound were also explored.
- Rositsa Mitkova - Archaeological Museum – Plovdiv 
- Rositsa Mitkova - Archaeological Museum – Plovdiv
Research Body
- Archaeological Museum – Plovdiv