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  • Kamenovo Settlement Mound
  • Kamenovo
  • Bulgaria
  • Ruse



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

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Summary (English)

  • ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS NEAR THE VILLAGE OF KAMENOVO (Yavor Boyadziev –, Dimitar Chernakov) A layer with flint artifacts was discovered in Sondages 10, 11 and 12. The layer in Sondages 11 and 12 was c. 50 cm thick, containing several dozens of thousands flint artifacts: large splinters from the surface of the nuclei, fragments from plates, plates, nuclei. A workshop for initial production of flint artifacts existed on the site and there was a narrow specialization of the production process. Single Late Chalcolithic sherds and a fragment from terracotta anthropomorphic figurine were discovered in the layer with flint artifacts. Grave 8 was explored in Sondage 8. The dead was a man, 30 – 40 year old, laid in a Hocker position on his left side with head to the east. A stone battle axe was found close to his left shoulder and a bead from Spondylus over his right arm. The grave was dug out into an earlier pit, containing sherds and flint artifacts. Two burials of children (Inf. I) were explored in Sondage 11. They were dug into an earlier pit of the Early Chalcolithic period. The body in Grave 9 was laid in a Hocker position on its left side with head to the east – southeast. The body in Grave 10 was laid in a Hocker position on its back with head to the east. Grave 11 was explored in Sondage 12, belonging to a child, 2 – 3 years old, laid in a Hocker position on its left side. The burials dated to the first half of the Late Chalcolithic period, while the flint workshop dated to the last phase of the Late Chalcolithic period.

  • Yavor Boyadziev - Archaeological Institute with Museum 
  • Dimitar Chernakov - Regional Museum of History – Ruse 



Research Body

  • Archaeological Institute with Museum
  • Regional Museum of History – Ruse

Funding Body


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