Summary (English)
Insula VII,14 was first discovered in 1820 and, from 1838 was the subject of investigations that included the exploration of the shops/workshops. Here, taking advantage of the holes in the flooring, caused by the Bourbon excavations, Genova University has investigated below the levels relating to the city’s last phases, reaching a stratigraphy covering a period between the late 3rd century B.C. and 79 A.D.
Between the late 3rd and the 2nd century B.C., while the inner part of the insula saw the construction of an atrium house, the area that would constitute the front facing onto Via dell’Abbondanza was still at least partially open. In this period, in the space later to be occupied by the shop at street number 3, where the investigations reached the greatest depth, there was an open area, perhaps a market garden, garden or courtyard. In this zone, perhaps in rapid succession, a series of structures were built, probably latrines. By the end of the 2nd century B.C., the latrines were abandoned and some deliberately sealed. A small rubbish heap formed on the area, which remained in use until the early 1st century A.D. In this period, there was a first reorganisation of the spaces. perhaps determined by the expansion of the built-up area. This transformation was also attested by the construction of opus incertum walls, which gradually defined the structural layout of the insula. During the third quarter of the 1st century A.D., the area suffered damage caused by an unexpected event, perhaps an earthquake, followed by a small fire. The 19th century excavations removed most of the traces relating to the latest occupation phases of the shops/workshops. These spaces certainly underwent important restorations and, in 79 A.D., all still had at least one upper floor.
- Silvia Pallecchi - Università degli Studi di Genova 
- Elena Santoro- Università degli Studi di Genova 
- Carlo Montanari - Università degli Studi di Genova
- Giovanni Di Simone - Università del Salento
- Jacopo De Grossi Mazzorin – Università del Salento
- Elisabetta Castiglioni – Cooperativa di ricerche archeobiologiche ARCO
- Mauro Rottoli- Laboratorio di Archeobiologia dei Musei Civici di Como
- Michele Grippo- Università degli Studi di Genova
Research Body
- Università degli Studi di Genova
Funding Body
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