Summary (English)
During a one week season in 2015, the so-called comitium and eastern porticus of the Forum of Pompeii were geophysically surveyed using georadar. The survey of the porticus, parts of which have been excavated in the past, primarily served as a means to critically assess the method employed. It clearly showed that even substantial structures can show up as only weak definitions within a georadar plot due to various factors, such as the building materials employed or modern building or infrastructure measures. In view of this dataset, the clearly visible archaeological features beneath the so-called comitium, which has never been excavated, are all the more remarkable. They provide first insights into earlier Republican structures at the site that can be interpreted as the remains of tabernae orientated towards the Via dell’Abbondanza and outer walls of connected houses and alleys. These were incorporated into the ‚comitium’ at the time of its construction. The available space in the building plot, however, makes it unlikely that a full domus existed here. Of particular interest is the apparent orientation of the early taberna-walls towards the pillars in the north wall of the so-called comitium. These may therefore have caused the peculiar structure of this wall, which has not been fully understood to date.
- Manuel Flecker - Universität Augsburg  
- Johannes Lipps - Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen 
- Matthias Lang – Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Research Body
- Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Funding Body
- Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften
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