Summary (English)
ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS NEAR THE VILLAGE OF ORYAHOVO (Stanislav Iliev – The tumular embankment of Dolmen No. 2 was explored. A small mound built of stones, 12 – 13 m in diameter, was discovered. The mound encircled the dolmen. Fragmentary Thracian ceramic vessels of the Early Iron Age were found among the stones of the mound. Sherds of the Early Iron Age and the Roman period were found in front of the façade of the dolmen. Four vertical stone slabs from the façade of the dolmen were preserved in situ and three stone slabs from the burial chamber were preserved as well. The context of the burial chamber had been destroyed during multiple interventions. A small quantity of sherds of the Early Iron Age and the Roman period were found in the burial chamber. The dolmen was built during the Early Iron Age. The pottery from the Roman period showed that later ritual activities were carried out in the dolmen.
- Stanislav Iliev - Regional Museum of History – Haskovo 
Research Body
- Regional Museum of History – Haskovo
Funding Body
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