Summary (English)
ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS NEAR THE VILLAGE OF NOVA NADEZHDA (Krum Bacvarov –, Nadezhda Todorova, Vanya Petrova) Two ditches (Early Neolithic and Late Chalcolithic) were documented in the western part of the site. Late Neolithic (Karanovo III – IV, end of the 6th millennium BC) dug out structures were explored, related to the settlement and containing fragmentary burned debris, sherds and animal bones. An Early Chalcolithic (Karanovo V, first half of the 5th millennium BC) dug out structure was explored, containing sherds. Late Chalcolithic (Karanovo VI, second half of the 5th millennium BC) dug out structures were discovered, containing sherds, a quern, fragmentary burned debris, a stone slingshot and animal bones. A building was explored in the Early Iron Age settlement. It measured 3.90 m by 4.20 m and was built of wattle-and-daub and wooden posts. Pits were discovered, containing Thracian sherds, a terracotta stamp for decorating pottery with S-like ornament, loom weights, spindle whorls, querns, fragmentary burned debris and animal bones. Two graves in the Muslim cemetery of the 17th – 18th century were explored. The cemetery was situated on the slopes of the prehistoric settlement mound and belonged to the Village of Salihche.
- Krum Bacvarov - Archaeological Institute with Museum 
- Nadezhda Todorova - Department of Archaeology, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski 
- Vanya Petrova - Department of Archaeology, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski 
Research Body
- Archaeological Institute with Museum
- Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski