Summary (English)
ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS NEAR THE VILLAGE OF DOBRI DYAL (Ventsislav Dinchev – The fortification was situated on a hill. It had an irregular layout and covered an area of more than 0.3 ha. All turns in the layout of the fortification wall were reinforced with buttresses. The fortification wall was 2.15 m wide, built of roughly cut stones bonded with mortar. No towers and staircases were documented. The area along the inner face of the fortification wall was almost entirely built. A building with at least two rooms, constructed along the fortification wall and adjoining it, was explored in the southwestern Sector D. Its walls were built of roughly cut stones bonded with clay. The inner walls of the building were 65 – 70 cm wide and the outer walls were 1 m wide. The roof was covered with a timber construction with tegulae and imbrices. Judging from the finds, the fortress was built at the end of the 4th – beginning of the 5th century AD. The latest coins belonged to Theodosius II, minted in AD 425 – 435/450, i.e. the fortress probably existed until the middle of the 5th century AD. During the excavations, Thracian sherds of the Early Iron Age and finds of the 3rd century AD (coins, sherds from red-gloss pottery and terracotta lamps) were discovered.
- Ventsislav Dinchev - Archaeological Institute with Museum 
Research Body
- Archaeological Institute with Museum