Summary (English)
In 2018, the Isthmos research project has collaborated with Alicante University. The 2018 excavations concentrated on three areas: area Psi, in order to define the shape of the structure identified last year; area Omicron, to investigate aspects associated with the roads in the area at the foot of the northern slopes of the so-called Colle di Tanti; Area Omega, , with the main aim of defining the limits and construction characteristics of the circular pool identified in 2017.
The excavations in Area Omega revealed important information about the basalt-paved area, which was monumentalised with structures relating to water supply. In the southern part a large circular pool was uncovered, which was built at the same time as the basoli for the road surface were laid. The inner profile of the pool was formed by courses of large rectangular blocks 40 ×40 cm and in correspondence with the channel connecting it to the exedra in the north sector there was a neck from a Baetican amphora, probably reused as a drain or in an over flow system. The structure was completely robbed and obliterated and levelled to the same height as the road surface. From a preliminary analysis, the pottery found in the layers of the last phase seemed to date to between the mid 1st century A.D. and the early 2nd century A.D.
Important data was recovered from the second sector (Area Omicron), thanks to a hole in the northern part of the basalt surface, which made it possible to investigate the underlying road make-up. As in Area Omega, the layers in this sector contained pottery datable to between the 1st century A.D. and the early 2nd century A.D.
Area Psi, previously investigated in 2017, produced interesting information relating to the reuse of Punic tombs in the Roman period. In fact, a robbed chamber tomb was found here, reused in the Roman period as a functional part of a water collection system, within what was probably a residential structure. The latter is still in the excavation phase; so far, the north wall and some patches of a mosaic floor have been identified.
- Romina Carboni 
- Emiliano Cruccas 
- Marco Giuman - Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Dipartimento di Scienze Archeologiche e Storico Artistiche (ora Dipartimento di Storia, Beni Culturali e Territorio)
- Claudia Pinelli
- Gianna De Luca
- Laura Pinelli
- Roberta Lobina
- Miriam Napolitano
- Luca Lanteri
Research Body
- Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Funding Body
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