Summary (English)
The excavations were undertaken with the collaboration of students from the Universities of Cagliari, Roma Tre and Granada, directed by Prof. Riccardo Cicilloni, assisted by Marco Cabras and Giacomo Paglietti. Work continued on several structures in the sector north-east of the excavations undertaken in past decades. The excavation of structure 18 was completed and work on structure 17 began.
Structure 18 had a sub-rectangular plan with the entrance to the west, on the same axis as that of Hut 1. It faced onto a central space typical of coeval hut groups. On the north side of the hut there was a niche that had been blocked in antiquity using rough-hewn medium sized boulders. The WE axis measured 4.80 m, the SN axis 4.00 m. The maximum height of the surviving remains was2.60 m, the minimum height 0.85m. The walls were between 0.96 and 1.30 m wide. The entrance corridor had a maximum width of 1.20 m, was 1.64 m long and the maximum residual height was 1.80 m.
The excavation of structure 17 (to be finished), revealed a large sub-circular room (SN axis 6.80 m; WE axis 5.40 m), with large facing niches on the NW/SE axis. The west niche had a small niche within it. Another small niche was situated in the wall facing the entrance, and another faced the east niche. A metal ingot and a fragment of lamina, presumably bronze, were found inside the latter. The excavations removed a substantial collapse of large and medium stones mixed with loose reddish-brown soil. A monolith was found close to the entrance, probably belonging to the architrave.
The structure was probably situated centrally within a block and seemed to be positioned between two “arms” formed by abutting and adjacent huts to its southwest and southeast. To the southwest, hut 16 and hut 1 had entrances facing onto a central space free of structures. Structure 18 at the southern end of the block and another sector covered by collapses (to be excavated), were situated to the southeast. The entrance to hut 17 faced south. Excavation to the west of hut 17 and north of hut 16 revealed a curvilinear wall, about 13 m long, forming a link between the northwest wall of hut 16 and the north wall of hut 17. The evidence suggests this to have been a “block” of huts, of different types, arranged around a central space.
- Riccardo Cicilloni - Dipartimento di Storia, Beni Culturali e Territorio - Università di Cagliari 
- Marco Cabras – Phd candidate – Departamiento de Prehistoria y Arqueología - Universidad de Granada 
- Giacomo Paglietti - Dipartimento di Storia, Beni Culturali e Territorio - Università di Cagliari
- Valentina Chergia- Università di Cagliari
Research Body
- Dipartimento di Storia, Beni Culturali e Territorio - Università di Cagliari
Funding Body
- Comune di Villa Verde (OR)
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