Summary (English)
This site was first mentioned by Giovanni Lilliu in 1950 in relation to the discovery and excavation of “an ancient tomb with human skeleton”. In the 1980s the presence of a deposit of nuragic pottery was noted. Excavations took place in 2006, 2007, 2012, and 2013 covering a total of 79 m2.
Underlying two layers of sandy-silt containing a little prehistoric and earlier material (US 3 and 4) two contexts were excavated, over 50% of which made up of more or less intact vases and pottery fragments datable to the Bronze Age (US 8 and 26). This deposit had accumulated on top of a greyish, more or less sterile layer of clay (US 12), interpreted as the floor of an ancient body of water behind the coast.
During the 2007 campaign, a burial of indefinite date without grave goods was excavated. It cut the level of the pottery deposit, and recalls the first structure documented by Lilliu.
Most of the pottery can be dated to the Late Bronze Age by the presence of cooking dishes whose bases have combed decoration with complicated motifs, and the presence of jars with thickened triangular rims, necked jars, and small multi-handled vases. A few fragments datable to the middle and final Bronze Age were also present.
The site, or part of it, seemed to have a particular function linked to some form of ritual involving the deposition of small lidded vases, even though the absence of any monumental evidence makes it difficult to interpret this context and unique in the panorama of Sardinian prehistoric archaeology.
- Alfonso Stiglitz - Museo di San Vero Milis
- Giandaniele Castangia – University of Cambridge
- Daniele Maffezzoli
- Luca Compagnone
- Marco Mulargia
- Salvatore Carboni – Università di Cagliari
- Anna Ardu - Università di Sassari
Research Body
- Museo Civico di San Vero Milis
Funding Body
- Comune di San Vero Milis
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