Summary (English)
During this campaign, the team from the University of Milan, led by Prof. G. Bejor, continued the excavation of Area E, the ample sector between the theatre and the Su Coloru point, in the heart of the Nora peninsula. Research took place in three areas: the central baths, the quarter situated along the coastal strip facing onto the south bay, and the great domus next to the House of the Tetrastyle Atrium, denominated “House of the Director Tronchetti”. As in other years, the finds study proceeded alongside the fieldwork.
In the central insula, object of excavations since 2002, work concentrated on rooms Td and Ti of the central baths, using very different methods and objectives. In room Td, work was completed on the open area excavation begun in 2011 and extended to rooms At, An, Am, Ama, Cf, Te, Tj, Td, with the aim of exposing the perimeter of the high imperial large domus obliterated by the construction of the baths. The south-western corner of the house was identified and the entrance facing onto a small piazza south of the baths was exposed. In room Ti, a sondage was dug in order to analyze the stratigraphy under the late floors of the baths, and try to find the first entrance to the complex, always situated in the area but not yet found. At least three building phases were identified for the baths, which will continue to be investigated during coming seasons.
In the strip extending between the theatre and Su Coloru point, the excavation in sector A underlined the multi-stratification of this residential quarter, founded in the Punic period and occupied until the late imperial period. In room Aa, continuation of the work begun in 2013 reached the floor levels of the earliest occupation period, covered by at least one metre of earth, and provided a post early 2nd century A.D. chronology for the later standing structures. In the “House of the Director Tronchetti”, the excavation of the central atrium, room A, resulted in the definition of the three main occupation phases of the domus. The earliest phase was characterised by opus signinum floors, later obliterated by the construction of the large tetrastyle atrium with an impluvium, the final phase being the large house with central courtyard and terraced rooms facing the sea. Continuation of excavations in sector D revealed the entire plastered phase one room and identified the original entrance on the seaward side and not towards the atrium as in later phases.
- Ilaria Frontori - Università degli Studi di Milano 
- Giorgio Bejor- Università degli Studi di Milano
- Giorgio Rea - Università degli Studi di Milano
- Gloria Bolzoni - Università degli Studi di Salerno
- Silvia Mevio - Università degli Studi di Milano
- Stefano Cespa - Università degli Studi di Milano
- Elisa Panero - Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Piemonte e del Museo Antichità Egizie
Research Body
- Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Beni Culturali e Ambientali
Funding Body
- Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Beni Culturali e Ambientali
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