Summary (English)
EXPLORATIONS IN AUGUSTA TRAIANA – VEREYA (Dimiter Yankov –, Maria Kamisheva) The site was explored in 1994, when part of the cardo maximus was discovered and an adjacent peristyle public building with piscina and stylobate, built to the east of the Temple of the Imperial Cult which is situated to the west of cardo maximus, was explored. Two construction periods were documented, while the piscina dates to the second period (AD 350 – 375). The area, which had not been excavated in 1994, was explored. The stylobate, 21 m long, was discovered. The stone slabs measure 1 m by 1.20 – 1.60 m and are 32 cm thick. They were placed over a foundation of stones and mortar, 60 – 70 cm deep. Seven bases of columns were found in the embankment. The portico, situated to the south of the piscina, is 4.60 m wide. The preparation for mosaics was placed over foundation of stones bonded with mortar. About 6 sq. m fragmentary mosaics were preserved. The mosaics in the portico were divided into three fields, framed by lines of white and black cubes. There is a double braided line, the first one made of yellow, red and white cubes, and the second one made of white cubes, situated within each frame. The main decorative motifs in the framed fields are overlapping circles placed over a yellow background. The circles are two types: the first one is made with black, red and white cubes and the second one is made with black, green and white cubes. There are triangles in the corners of the three framed fields, which contain a trifoliate flower, probably a lotus, with a black sepal and grey petals. Judging from a coin found inside the mortar plaster, the mosaics and the stylobate date to the reconstruction of the already existing building, which occurred in AD 350 – 375.
- Dimitar Yankov - Regional Museum of History – Stara Zagora 
- Maria Kamisheva - Regional Museum of History – Stara Zagora 
Research Body
- Regional Museum of History – Stara Zagora