Summary (English)
The excavation campaign took place between the 30th July and 25th August, with the participation of students from Italian and American universities. The excavation was limited to trench N with the aim of completing the exposure of temple C, identified in 2011. The south-west alignment of the building, 8.5 m wide and 13 m long, was confirmed. The base course was preserved on which traces of the next course and the foundation of the south-western column were visible. The make up for the pronaos and cella floor was obliterated by a layer containing a large amount of archaeological material, in particular Attic red and black figure pottery ( amphorae, kraters, dinoi, kylikes ), as well as Etruscan pottery and fragments of cult inscriptions.
The destruction of the building occurred between the end of the 4th and beginning of the 3rd century B.C. and can be correlated with events which between 308 and 280 B.C. saw numerous clashes between Rome and Orvieto. Three infant burials found along the temple’s perimeter also date to this period. The examination of the osteological remains determined the following: the infant buried in the “a cassone” tomb close to the south-western corner, was 4-5 years old and affected by an illness that had blocked its growth; the cremated bones inside a coarse ware jar with a black gloss cup as a lid belonged to an infant aged between 18 months and a year; and the remains in the “ cassetta” burial were those of a two year old child, perhaps a girl as suggested by the associated grave goods. Two pits filled with pottery fragments and animal remains were also found. They probably relate to a sacrifice (perhaps a suovetaurilia ) made at the time the building was consecrated.
- Simonetta Stopponi - Università degli Studi di Perugia, Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche, Sezione di Scienze Storiche dell'Antichtà 
- Paolo Bruschetti - Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici dell’Umbria
- Simone Moretti Giani
- Anna Riva
- Nicola Bruni
- Claudio Bizzarri - Parco Archeologico Ambientale dell’Orvietano
- Marco Broncoli
Research Body
- Università degli Studi di Perugia, Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche - Sezione Scienze Storiche dell'Antichità
Funding Body
- Fondazione della Cassa di Risparmio di Orvieto
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