Summary (English)
The 2012 excavation within a space of some 25 × 40 m introduced 6 trenches over an area identified by both the Superintendency and the September 2010 field survey as a Roman amphora and pottery kiln.
Four kilns (two set into each other), three ceramic dumps and a possible workshop area were uncovered. Preliminary analysis suggests a first phase of production of flat bottomed amphorae of the so called Spello/Ostia III, III, 369-370 type as well as more limited firing of coarse and thin walled pottery, dating from the middle of the first century to the end of the second century AD. The workshop continued to produce, albeit at a slower rate, coarse pottery and tiles until the fourth century BC. The same area also contained a late Roman cemetery, as was known from Superintendency reports and field survey in 2010, but no trace was found during excavation.
The first kiln measured 3.25 × 3.10m and consisted of the praefurnium and the firing chamber. The second kiln had two phases one inserted within the other where the first was 2.45 × 2.80m and the second 1.25 × 4.0 m with a last firing of tile. The third kiln was set on slightly higher ground and measured 6.15 × 2.30 m and contained a last firing of amphorae and thin walled pottery. There was a notable dump of amphorae located in between the first and second kiln. Another ceramic dump located between kiln 2 and 3 was associated with drystone buildings. A further ceramic dump bordered a local access road.
- Letizia Ceccarelli - University of Cambridge 
- Simon Stoddart - University of Cambridge 
- Caroline Malone - Queen's University Belfast
- Clare Privilege
- David Kay
- Deborah Shroeter
- Stephen Armstrong
- Steven Ashley
- Nicholas Whitehead
Research Body
Funding Body
- British Academy
- Cambridge
- Comune di Gubbio
- Comune di Perugia and Magdalene College
- McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
- Provincia di Perugia (Unicredit Banca di Roma)
- The Gaslini Foundation
- The Thriplow Trust
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