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  • Rofalco
  • Farnese
  • Italy
  • Lazio
  • Province of Viterbo
  • Farnese



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

  • AIAC_logo logo

Summary (English)

  • In Area 4000 (east gate) excavation of the baulks left inside the paved area of the gate was completed. This exposed a sort of housing in the paving running along the length of the north side of this space, probably relating to a stone or wooden fitting, such as a bench or porch. It contained various interesting fragments from one or more krater-like vessels in black glaze ware of Volterran production, similar to others found on the site. In the area inside the walls, continuation of a trench opened the previous year showed that the parallel walls delimited a large step, probably only partially covered by a porch or other wooden structures.

    The enlargement of the trench in the central Area 5000 further defined the stratigraphy, revealing diverse layers of collapse damaged by illegal excavation, and patches of preserved floor cut by a small tank, lined with tiles similar to that seen in the nearby Area 0. The materials found included numerous dolia and impasto fragments, two loom-weights and an iron blade.

    Exploration began of a new group of structures, visible above ground. The sector (Area 6000) occupied the levelled summit of a rock outcrop situated immediately north-east of the warehouse complex (Area 2000). Although very limited, the intervention identified a much better-preserved stratigraphy, with walls made up of large lumps of lava-stone which seemed to delimit a rectangular building orientated east-west. The lack of pottery and tile fragments on the surface suggests that this structure has not been disturbed by illegal digging.

    Lastly, excavation in Area 7000 was renewed. The area is situated more or less in the centre of the settlement, north of the warehouse complex and the road, but at a considerably lower level. Work concentrated on a large illegal excavation, in the vicinity of which it was decided to open an exploratory trench. The removal of a massive fill revealed several large wedge-shaped blocks of yellow tufa belonging to the internal facing of a circular cistern, lined with water-proof opus signinum. The large structure has a compact fill of stones and collapsed blocks, and appears to relate to a public structure or space. Its excavation will continue during the next season.

  • Luca Pulcinelli - Gruppo Archeologico Romano 


  • Orlando Cerasuolo - Gruppo Archeologico Romano


  • Cecilia Attanasio Ghezzi - Gruppo Archeologico Romano
  • Lorenzo Somma - Gruppo Archeologico Subalpino
  • Marta Valerio - Gruppo Archeologico Subalpino
  • Martina Sabbatini - Gruppo Archeologico Subalpino
  • Ludovica Di Gregorio - Gruppo Archeologico Romano

Research Body

  • Gruppo Archeologico Romano

Funding Body


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