Summary (English)
The excavations, preceded by diagnostic investigations and surveys, began in 2007 with the opening of a trench at the western edge of the field on a north-west/south-east alignment. At a depth of circa 80 cm a substantial collapse of stones was uncovered. It was not possible to define its alignment and therefore gain an idea of the position of the wall. A chronological terminus was provided by the numerous pottery finds from the layer obliterating the collapse, mainly Pisan sigillata productions of the late 1st and 2nd century A.D., as confirmed by the substantial corpus of known potters’ stamps.
The second trench, circa 80 m south-west of the first, uncovered faint traces of the stone foundations of a building, with walls in perishable material (constituted by lathe work) and a tile roof. The floor inside was probably of beaten clay. On the basis of the finds, mainly pottery, the building’s occupation phases dated to between the last quarter of the 1st century B.C. and the first half of the 2nd century A.D.
In 2008 two square trenches, 10 × 10 m, and four trenches of 1.50 × 5 m were opened. The most interesting find was that of a structure attested by a beaten surface of small stones, which substantially increased the area of the settlement in a south-east direction. At the present state of the research and finds study, it is possible to suggest that this feature, which showed no evidence of alteration or disturbance, was probably a floor or farmyard. As regards dating, as the layers in phase with the creation and use of the structure have produced no material post-dating the Roman period, for the moment it is feasible to suggest that this was a Roman structure.
The second excavation campaign also produced another important result: it defined in greater detail the stratigraphy of the deposit in the northern sector, also clarifying its nature. In fact, the typology of the deposit and the absolute uniformity of the materials it contained, for the most part italian sigillata of the late 1st and of the first half of the 2nd century A.D., suggest that the area in question was a part of the settlement used for dumping rubbish. It was in use until the middle of the 3rd century A.D. (ARS ‘C’) the period during which the site was probably abandoned.
The 2009 trench, 10 × 10 m, was situated in the southern part of the site close to the building discovered in 2007. A wall built of stone, brick and tile, without mortar, was of interest. Its foundation trench and the fill were documented. The wall was part of a building whose function and form has yet to be defined. In the upper part of the western sector of the trench the deposit was heavily damaged by agricultural work, in fact the wall was totally razed. In the opposite direction, that is in the south-eastern part, the wall continued beyond the trench edge. The structure can be dated to the Roman period on the basis of the materials found in phase with the wall. No materials of later date were found, thus precluding the continuation of occupation. The presence of black glaze ware in layers relating to the phase preceding the wall’s construction was of particular interest, especially from the point of view of identifying an earlier phase.
The excavations undertaken to date clearly show the varied nature of this rural site, made up of houses (heavily damaged) and structures of a secondary type (such as rubbish dumps).
- Günther Schörner - Institut für Klassische Archäologie, Universität Wien, Austria 
- Martin Boss - Università Erlangen
Research Body
- Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen
Funding Body
- Gerda Henkel Stiftung, Düsseldorf, Germania
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