Summary (English)
The 2010 excavations clarified the occupation phases in a number of rooms (2 and 4 in particular) and the open areas outside of the rooms themselves. Each phase saw the abandonment and subsequent restructuring of the buildings and reorganisation of the spaces. The presence of layers pre-dating the earliest phase of these two rooms has yet to be checked and will be the object of the 2011 excavations. The numerous finds have provided interesting evidence regarding the activities undertaken in the settlement and useful data was collected for the detailed reconstruction of the building techniques used in the castrum.
- Isabella Nobile De Agostini - Musei Civici di Como 
- Stefania Jorio - Soprintendenza Beni Archeologici della Lombardia
- Clelia Orsenigo - Università degli Studi di Milano
Research Body
- Civico Museo Archeologico “P. Giovio” di Como
Funding Body
- Comune di Como - Musei Civici
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