Summary (English)
AGATHOPOLIS (Diana Gergova – The finds from the earth originating from destroyed strata included sherds from the Hellenistic period, including from Megarian bowls, the Roman period (2nd – 3rd centuries AD), Late Antiquity, including pottery imported from Anatolia and North Africa, the Early Byzantine period, the Late Middle Ages (13th – 14th centuries) and the Ottoman period, a bronze coin of Mesambria of the end of the 2nd – beginning of the 1st century BC, a bronze minimus of the end of the 4th – the middle of the 5th century AD, a bronze follis of Justinian I, an Ottoman mangir of the 17th – 18th century. The fortification wall was built during the reign of Anastasius I Dicorus or Justinian I over partly destroyed Thracian fortification wall. The wall had at least four construction periods, the latest one probably dated to the Middle Ages. A gate was located at the southeastern corner of the fortress. It was flanked by two U-like bastions built in opus mixtum that collapsed due to earthquake.
- Diana Gergova - Archaeological Institute with Museum 
Research Body
- Archaeological Institute with Museum
Funding Body
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