Summary (English)
AULEOUTEICHOS – AGATHOPOLIS (Diana Gergova –, Yavor Ivanov) The explorations of the second western tower on the northern fortification wall continued. The tower was 5 m by 8 m in size, with an entrance 80 cm wide. Its walls were 1.80 m wide. Late Antique sherds and a Mediaeval glass bracelet were found in the tower. The line of the fortification wall was traced out in western direction and Late Antique sherds were found. The fortification wall and the tower were built of roughly-cut stones bonded with mortar. Parts of an earlier wall documented to the south of the fortification wall indicated that a later reconstruction of the fortification system occurred and the second tower was built in that time. Sherds from Megarian bowls, Hellenistic Thracian pottery, Hellenistic terracotta figurines and Mediaeval pottery were found in the embankment from the destroyed strata, located in the central area of the ancient town.
- Diana Gergova - Archaeological Institute with Museum 
- Yavor Ivanov - Archaeological Institute with Museum 
Research Body
- Archaeological Institute with Museum