Summary (English)
Styberra is an ancient Macedonian town in the region of Deuriopos (modern Demir Hisar) who continued its development and existence during the Roman period. It was destroyed by the Goths in the second half of the 3rd century AD and it was never rebuilt. Because of the intact context of a suddenly destroyed town without being evacuated Styberra is often said to be the Macedonian Pompei.
The town was excavated in 1953 when part of the defensive wall, a temple of Tyche and a gymnasium were uncovered. Very common for Styberra is the large number of marble sculptures discovered in situ inside the buildings.
In 2005 there were conservation and archaeological excavations at the same time in the sector Gymnasium. The trenches were put by the eastern and western wall of the Heroon. In the western trench a destruction layer of the wall and a rectangular structure with unknown purpose were found. The eastern trench revealed that the eastern wall of the Heroon was attached to the Hellenistic fortification wall. The fortification wall is preserved to the height of 1.7– 2 m and its foundations were built on the bedrock. Layer of ash, bones and pottery fragments were excavated. Some of the sherds belonged to molded bowls from the Late Hellenistic and Early Roman periods.
- Kostadin Kepeski - Muzej i Zavod, Prilep
- Liljana Kepeska - NI Institute for Protection of Monuments and Museum of Prilep
Research Body
- NI Institute for Protection of Monuments and Museum - Prilep
Funding Body
- Macedonian Ministry of Culture
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