Summary (English)
Phase I
In this excavation area, “room D”, the first occupation phase is documented by the presence of a large square room (9,50m x 11,15m) with opus signinum pavements (117.30-35m a.s.l.). The room seems divided into two sectors by a wall on an east-west alignment. Traces of walls and remains of opus signinum flooring were identified to the north and west of this room, suggesting that the structure continued in these directions. The structures found in “room D” are compatible in building technique and alignment with those of phase II of the 2003-2004 campaign. However, the floor level is not compatible as it is circa 0.80m higher in the rooms of “room D” but the presence of earlier floor levels, which could not be investigated, cannot be excluded.Phase II
In the large room identified in phase I, divided into two parts, the dividing wall was removed and a new tile pavement was laid (117.70m a.s.l.). The phase I room identified to the north is reduced in size. The structures from phase I and II probably belong to the Roman monumental building, identified during the 2003-2004 campaign, and its subsequent modifications.Phase III
In the eastern part of the area, following a period of abandonment attested by the accumulation of various deposits, the Roman structure was systematically robbed, probably over a long period of time. Several structures are then built on a NW-SE alignment, in regular brick courses bonded with mortar. (Roberta Cavalli, Carla Pagani)
- Anna Ceresa Mori - Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia
- Dominic Salsarola - Società Lombarda di Archeologia s.r.l.
- Roberta Cavalli - Società Lombarda di Archeologia s.r.l. Milano
Research Body
- Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia
Funding Body
- Comune di Milano
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