Summary (English)
NOVAE (Pavlina Vladkova – The explorations of Rooms B and B1 continued in the northwestern part of the extra muros Building. A hypocaust with pilae constructed of bricks was discovered. A coin of Galerius minted in AD 295 – 296 was found in the wall of Room B, dating its construction. Judging from the coins, the building was destroyed during AD 400 – 410. Room V had a L-like layout and a hypocaust with pilae constructed of bricks. The distance between the floor of the room and the bottom of the hypocaust was 1 m. The finds included a bronze pendant from a belt, iron and lead clamps for the terracotta tubuli of the hypocaust, fragments from marble veneer, fragmentary painted plaster, sherds from amphorae and jugs and two terracotta lamps. There were stamps on the bricks and the roof-tiles. Some imbrices had a stamp that reads: LEGIITALI (Legio I Italica). The opening for the hot air and smoke from the furnace of the hypocaust was discovered. The opening was reconstructed after AD 225, judging from a brick with a stamp of Marcus Aurelius Statianus, attested in inscriptions, stamps and a military diploma. The hypocaust in Room B functioned until c. AD 250, judging from a coin of Gordian III. Rooms of the late 3rd – 4th centuries AD with three construction periods were explored in the southwestern part of the building. During the first construction period, there was a room in a row of parallel rooms arranged in a line. A portico was constructed in Room D during the second construction period and it was walled during the third construction period. Room E paved with bricks was discovered. Parts of Rooms Zh, Z and I were explored. Rooms of the 2nd – 3rd centuries were documented as well. Room VI was situated to the south of Room V and had a hypocaust with pilae constructed of bricks. The furnace of the hypocaust was situated to the west of the room. Room VII functioned during the 2nd century AD, judging from the sherds, a terracotta lamp, fragments from glass and copper vessels a coin of Trajan found there.
- Pavlina Vladkova - Regional Museum of History – Veliko Tarnovo 
Research Body
- Regional Museum of History - Veliko Tarnovo