Summary (English)
ЕХТRА MUROS BUILDING TO THE WEST OF NOVAE (Pavlina Vladkova – Three rooms arranged in a line of the earliest building period were discovered. Their walls are 80 cm wide and are built of ashlars and uneven stones bonded with mortar in opus emplectum. Room No. 1 has a hypocaust and an entrance from the north, 80 cm wide, which was walled in a later period. Room No. 2 has a hypocaust. Room No. 3 is 11.20 m long and has a floor of bricks. Sherds, fragments of glass vessels, a terracotta lamp and two coins (one minted by Antoninus Pius or Marcus Aurelius, and another minted by Julia Domna) were found in the layer above the floor. Room D1 from the second building period was explored. The small columns of the hypocaust are built of bricks. Fragments of color plasters, suspensura and bricks with stamps of Legio I Italica were found. Room E1 was constructed over the hypocaust of Room No. 1. Its floor was plastered with mortar. The upper parts of the walls were constructed of sun-dried bricks. The roof was covered with tegulae and imbrices. The room was destroyed during a fire. Rooms D2 and E2 from the second building period have hypocausts. The finds include a base, fragments from pedestal with Latin inscription, fragments from Corinthian capital, fragments from color plasters, marble plates from wall facing and a coin of Nerva. Color mortar plasters were found in room E1. The roof was covered with tegulae and imbrices (one of them with stamp of Legio I Italica). The building was destroyed during a fire. During the third building period rooms D2 and E2 were partitioned with walls constructed of sun-dried bricks.
- Pavlina Vladkova - Regional Museum of History – Veliko Tarnovo
Research Body
- Regional Museum of History - Veliko Tarnovo
Funding Body
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