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  • Novae
  • Svishtov
  • Novae
  • Bulgaria
  • Veliko Tarnovo
  • Svishtov



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

  • AIAC_logo logo

Summary (English)

  • ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS IN NOVAE (Pavlina Vladkova – The site is located to the west of the western fortification wall of Novae. During the 1980s, three tombs were discovered in the northern and the southern nave of the three-nave basilica and in its narthex. In 2004, the tombs were cleaned. Rooms, some of them with hypocaust, drains and water-conduits from the end of the 2nd to 4th centuries AD were explored. Coins, terracotta lamps, a medical instrument, pottery, etc. were found. Two graves of the second half of the 5th century AD, which preceded the construction of the basilica, were discovered in the northern nave. The street running from the east to the west was traced out at 33 m in length. The street is 7 m in width and is paved with boulders. The pavement lies at 20 – 30 cm lower than the level of the portico of the building located to the north of the street. A drain covered with stone slabs lies alongside the southern periphery of the street. A shaft for cleaning the drain was discovered. The foundations of the northern stylobate of a building were explored to the south of the street. The foundations of the southern stylobate of a building, the brick pavement of its southern portico, 3.60 m in width, and rooms from different construction periods were discovered to the north of the street. A layer with debris of a building of the early 2nd century AD was explored. Ten coins, the latest one minted by Hadrian, terracotta lamps and pottery were found. The excavations demonstrated that the area to the west of the fortification wall had a high building density from the early 2nd to the beginning of the 5th centuries AD. Houses existed on both sides of the street during the 2nd – 3rd centuries AD, while production facilities were constructed in the 4th century AD.


  • Pavlina Vladkova - Regional Museum of History – Veliko Tarnovo


Research Body

  • Regional Museum of History - Veliko Tarnovo

Funding Body


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