Summary (English)
Between July and August 2001 on the Esposito-Penetella property, a few hundred metres from the Roman theatre, an investigation was made of the Hellenistic structures that have suffered heavy erosion and damage caused by rain and land slippage. Three rooms were uncovered, their perimeter walls built using different techniques, but all on the same north/west-south/east alignment. At least three construction phases were identified: the first two dating to the full Hellenistic period (3rd-2nd century B.C.), the third to the late Republican period, attested by a well, a small channel and a low wall (1st century B.C.), on a slightly different alignment from those of the earlier phases.
The lack of occupation levels made it rather difficult to interpret the evidence. Room 1 appeared to be an open space, whilst the other two related to covered structures that had been lived in, as attested by the creation of a bench in the north-eastern corner of room 2. The erosion and land slippage only permit hypotheses to be made regarding the function of the two semicircular structures abutting the northern wall of room 2 and of a third, adjacent to the others (room 3), characterised by a baked clay surface. In fact, it may be suggested that these were small ovens for food or for glass making. The whole of the area north of these structures appeared to have been organised as gardens or vegetable gardens, in any case some kind of large open spaces. Here only the bottom of wells and late Hellenistic middens were found, perhaps connected to alterations carried out inside the rooms
Regarding topography, the following observations are worthy of note: the Hellenistic structures had simple plans but with a somewhat monumental extension; although close to the area traditionally identified as the forum, the zone was not densely occupied but foresaw extensive areas left green or cultivated as vegetable gardens; the fact that . levels of imperial date, attested elsewhere within the town walls, were lacking should be the object of further consideration.
- Stefano De Caro - Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici delle province di Napoli e Caserta 
- Francesco Sirano - Soprintendenza per i beni Archeologici delle Province di Napoli e Caserta
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