Summary (English)
EXPLORATIONS OF ‘MURTADZHIEVA MOGILA’ TUMULUS NEAR THE TOWN OF BREZOVO (Kostadin Kisyov – The archaeological explorations were conducted because of clandestine digs. The tumulus is 42 m in diameter and 8 m in height. The tumular embankment was heaped in two stages. A construction of stones, partly destroyed by the clandestine dig, was discovered in the central part of the primary tumular embankment. The construction has an irregular cone-like shape, measures 4.50 m by 2.20 m and is 2.20 m in height. It was built of boulders. Few sherds typical of the Roman period were found on the surface of the construction and around it. No remains of grave or burial were discovered under the stone construction. A second construction of stones, which is smaller in size, was explored at 1.50 m to the northeast from the first stone construction and at 1.70 m in depth from the top of the tumulus. It was built of broken stones and boulders. A ceramic jug typical of the end of the 6th – 5th centuries BC was found in the southeastern periphery of the construction. An elongated burial pit dug into the ground was discovered below the stone construction. It measures 2 m by 70 cm by 30 cm and is oriented southeast – northwest. An inhumation burial was discovered in the pit. The human body was dismembered during the burial and separate parts were rested in the pit. Two bronze necklaces were found. The grave goods date the burial to the end of the 6th – 5th centuries BC.
- Kostadin Kisyov - Archaeological Museum – Plovdiv
Research Body
- Archaeological Museum – Plovdiv
Funding Body
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