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  • Prati di San Martino
  • Remanzacco
  • Prati di San Martino



    • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

      MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

      ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

      AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

    • AIAC_logo logo

    Summary (English)

    • The 2012 campaign had three main objectives: completion of the excavations east of the apse; excavation inside the church; the excavation of two trenches parallel to the north and south walls.


      The area in this sector was divided into two parts: a portion still to be investigated of the deposits at the south-eastern tip of the excavation area south of the negative trace of the curtain wall; the remaining part east of the apse.

      In the first sector, the level of alluvial gravel was reached. As well as the usual dumps of building rubble, a series of small irregular pits were seen, interpreted as negative traces of plant roots. The fill produced no materials except for US 1376 in which there were fragments of an early medieval jar and the rim of a cooking dish.

      Natural was reached in the sector east of the apse. No other burials came to light despite three trenches being dug into the alluvial gravel. A large circular pit was uncovered; it contained no finds and is interpreted as the negative trace of a large tree. A dump of bones was found north of the pit but had no stratigraphical relationship to it. The bones had clearly been removed from a burial in antiquity. The area produced no other structural evidence or significant finds.


      The excavation undertaken inside the church to check for the presence of other burials, apart from the one found in 2011, was completed. A burial, tomb 31, was identified in the south-western corner of the church. The grave cut was not disturbed by the foundations of the church walls.
      No other graves were found inside the church. Most of the interior was disturbed by a large pit, filled with rubble from the church itself and modern materials.


      Two trenches were dug running parallel to the north and south wall (this had already been done on the other sides) in order to check for the presence of pits, holes or other occupation evidence underlying the walls themselves. It was seen that the walls (present only at foundation level and not along the entire circuit) were built entirely on the gravel layer and did not overlie any other structure.

      Therefore, the hypothesis suggesting that the cemetery area situated in the area of the church grew up in direct relation to it remains valid.

    • Sandro Colussa 



    • Luciana Travan
    • Paola Saccheri
    • Elena Braidotti
    • Fabio di Bernardo
    • Stefano Zilli
    • Francesco Desomaro
    • Matteo Cosmar

    Research Body

    • Circolo Culturale JFK Kennedy

    Funding Body

    • Comune di Remanzacco


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