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  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

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Summary (English)

  • In the 2006 campaign we ended the research on the ? surface, extended now to 16.5 × 4 m as a consequence of the erosion of the profiles. There were discovered traces of three major human interventions on the initial mound for the first community (N3) or above, on the inhabited levels (N3 and N2). The first category includes the intervention on the mound; and the stratigraphy related with the intermediary inhabited level (N2). In the first case was researched in the ? surface a ditch (filled afterwards with materials coming from the human activity) and a bank, which was used undoubtedly as a breakwater. The fact that this assemblage is situated under the actual bottom land did not allow putting into evidence some ulterior improvements. The intervention on N3, stratigraphic belonging to the intermediary level, is of the same nature. The ditch, which cuts a dwelling and the alluvial deposits found above it (N3), is stocked by another ditch at the exterior of the inhabited place, which has also a supplementary resistance structure. At the bank’s bottom, towards the ditch, a wooden beam was probably meant to stabilize the soil (which does not come from excavating the ditch, this being sterile). To a moment probably ulterior to the silting up of the soil from the ditch, belongs the fact that the breakwater was rebuilt on its former place. The new breakwater, which contains the remains of the former, had additionally a wooden structure of poles. A new construction meant to prevent the floods belongs stratigraphically to the superior levels of tell. This time we were facing only a breakwater, without ditch towards the interior of the inhabited area. In exchange, the material quantity is impressive. The breakwater was not made with soil from the settlement; the soil in question is sterile and seems to be brought from the bottom land. In all the three cases, the soil tests, now under study, will bring additional information. In the 2006 campaign, we started the selection process of the bone fragments remained after screening the materials from the 2004 – 2006 campaigns. belonging to the second room of L11. Until now were identified 8900 remains. Unfortunately, the percentage, which can be put under a specific identification analysis, is very small. From the screened material found in the 2004 – 2005 campaigns, we identified by tooth 44 individuals of Mus musculus, originated from the galleries that had been perforated the platform of the L11’ s main room and also its two successive rebuilds. In the 2006 campaign were found and studied fauna materials coming from L11. Samples of soil from this structure were screened by 0.8 and 1 mm sieves. There were identified remains belonging to mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and mollusks. There were taken fossil samples (cattle) for establishing DNA and for carbon dating.



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