Summary (English)
In 2006 the sixth excavation campaign was undertaken at the Castle of Cuccagna. The excavations were, for the fourth year running, run by the Humboldt Universität, Philosophische Fakultät I-Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften Ur-und Frühgeschichte of Berlin. The 2006 investigation looked at an internal area of lower palace IIIa with an open area excavation. The exterior was investigated through a trench placed in correspondence with the NW corner of the same palace. The lower palace, called III, is formed by the original building (IIIa) which was later enlarged to the south-east (IIIb). The first nucleus is dated to the end of the 13th century and the extension can be placed within the first quarter of the 14th century. The interior was divided into six adjoining quadrants in order to alternate excavation work with recording. In all quadrants a level of collapse and showing evidence of fire destruction covered the occupation levels and pavements which had suffered fire damage. The floors were made up of clay and mortar, resting on natural clay and bedrock. The constant and abundant presence of archaic majolica in the occupation levels gives a 14th century date, thus confirming the suggested date for the construction of palace III. Moreover, the military character of the complex is attested by the presence of arms (heads for crossbow arrows) and elements of armour (laminae from breastplates and an armoured glove). In the external trench a series of layers, both of collapse and occupation were documented which contained an abundance of pottery and metal finds. An important find was that of the remains of part of the castle’s perimeter wall which links to the palace wall (nucleus IIIb). (Isabel Ahumada Silva)
- Isabel Ahumada Silva
- M.A. Holger Grönwald - Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
- Studenti - Università Humboldt di Berlino
Research Body
Funding Body
- Humboldt Universität Zu Berlin (D)
- Istituto per la Ricostruzione del Castello di Chucco-Zucco
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