Summary (English)
Five projects were conducted:
1. Excavations in the well on Zone I were resumed, arriving at a depth of 28.65 meters below datum. Excavations by Ichnos: Archeologia, Ambiente e Sperimentazione of Montelupo Fiorentino involved extensive pumping at the level of the water table. Brick and tile were abundant (1287kg =2840lbs.) as well as worked sandstone. Finds included box flue tiles, Roman glass, and Italian sigillata as well as African red slip, along with medieval bread-pan and jars with an incised wavy line (late antique/ Langobard).
2. Near the well there was further investigation of Area G, Room 1, where foundations of a medieval room were uncovered in 1982 and a nearby pit and stone platform were first encountered in 1984. The pit, expanding to a length of ca. 3m. and a depth of ca. 0.60 m, contained carbon, bone, scraps of iron and a bronze ring (earring?), along with pottery datable ca. 350-300 BC.
3. In between Zones I and II excavation was continued with the removal of a single deep locus in segment III of the Refuse Pit under excavation since 2001, revealing in toto a crevice in the bedrock ca. 5.5m long, and as deep as 1.25m. Ceramic finds from RP III exhibited a range of Cetamura Fabrics 1 to 4, bucchero, amphora, black gloss, gray ware, and early Hellenistic fine wares. Deposits of carbon and bone included jawbones of sheep/goat and cow. Diagnostic fragments of black gloss confirm the date for the RP of ca. 350-300 B.C.
4. Six units in the artisans’ zone to the north of the sanctuary were pursued. Immediately east of Structure K, a post pit and a cobbled pavement suggest a work area of the kiln workshop. Still further to the east were found two walls that intersected at right angles, creating a corner of a heavy foundation. Upper strata in this area included Italian sigillata, black gloss and other Late Etruscan wares.
West of Structure K investigation continued in the worker’s area; dense carbon, tile and refractory brick were encountered, along with fragments of bone and Late Etruscan pottery. North of this excavations continued with the Late Phase I wall of Structure H. On the northern edge of Zone II a perimeter wall running east-west was uncovered, intersected by a north-south wall, forming a feature that may be the northeast corner of Structure H. In Zone II, Building L, excavation focused on Room 5, a small cell-like room (ca. 3×1m). The beaten earth floor yielded local Cetamura fabrics, black gloss and grey ware of the 3rd-2nd centuries BC.
5. On the southwest exterior of Building L was discovered a cistern or well, Structure M, lined with stone walls in a roughly oval pattern (ca. 1.80 m north-south x ca. 2 m east-west). On the western exterior of Building L, large portions of the base and walls of a great storage jar, Dolio A, were extracted and excavation began on a second specimen, Dolio B, both evidently in situ.
- Nancy T. de Grummond - Florida State University, Tallahassee, Dept. of Classics
- Ornella Fonzo
- Nòra Marosi - Studio Art Centers International, Florence
- Rosalba Settesoldi
- Francesco Cini - ICHNOS
- Mauro Buonincontri - ICHNOS
- J. Theodore Peña - University of California, Berkeley
Research Body
- Florida State University, Tallahassee, Dept. of Classics
- New York University
- Studio Art Centers International
- Syracuse University
- University of North Carolina-Asheville
Funding Body
- Florida State University, Tallahasse, Dip. Studi Classici, U.S.A
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