Summary (English)
Two research areas were investigated:
1. On the escarpment on the N side of Zone I, excavation of the lowest strata of the easternmost 3×6m unit. Excavation to bedrock was completed. On the north side of the unit, Roman fill was found all the way down to bedrock, as was confirmed by Italian sigillata, a fragmentary Roman lamp and one piece of Roman glass. On the south side appeared an extensive area, ca. 2 × 2.5m, with Etruscan remains of the later fourth century B.C. Of particular interest was a long and deep pit in which was found debris virtually identical to that found in 2002 in the Refuse Pit on the other side of the fragmentary Roman wall. It is highly likely that the two pits are actually part of the same phenomenon. Refuse Pit I was roughly circular, but Refuse Pit II features an elongated cut in the bedrock, ca. 3m long as far as ascertainable, excavated down to ca. 1.00m below the upper level of the bedrock.
RP II contained an ensemble dated to the later fourth century BCE, with fine grey and red-brown tableware, local cooking wares and storage vessels, black gloss and overpainted ceramics and bucchero and grey bucchero, as well as a handle of an Etruscan amphora. On the east side of the unit, in between RP II and the Roman fill on the north side, excavations were completed around the short tract of an Etruscan wall discovered in 2002. A locus abutting the wall contained an ensemble identical to that in the two RP’s, including one sherd of overpainted ware of a type datable to 325-300 BCE. The conclusion of the excavations in this area confirms an earlier hypothesis that this wall and one running parallel to it in the adjacent unit date to the late fourth century BCE.
2. In Zone II, Four units in Structure (Building) L, Zone II, continued to reveal evidence of the plan of the building. The walls indicate activity in Etruscan Late Phase I and especially II, with again abundant evidence of the nearly sterile yellow clay beaten earth floor. A post pit was found set against the south wall of Structure B. The rough diagonal foundation wall running NW-SE was traced toward the southeast, running now for a distance of ca. 10.00 m. Running partly perpendicular to this wall is another rugged feature, an irregular tetragonal foundation or pavement to the northeast of the wall. No diagnostic artifacts were found in its packing, but it is hypothesized to belong to Phase II, and to be contemporary with the large diagonal wall. The pottery found in the area is consistent with the hypothesis that the complex belongs to Late Phase II (150-75 BC). The impressive series of walls and the tetragonal platform represent an ambitious building project in the final years of Etruscan culture at Cetamura.
- Nancy T. de Grummond - Florida State University, Tallahassee, Dept. of Classics
- Ornella Fonzo
- Nòra Marosi - Studio Art Centers International, Florence
- Rosalba Settesoldi
- Francesco Cini - ICHNOS
- Mauro Buonincontri - ICHNOS
- J. Theodore Peña - University of California, Berkeley
Research Body
- Florida State University, Tallahassee, Dept. of Classics
- New York University
- Studio Art Centers International
- University of North Carolina-Asheville
Funding Body
- Florida State University, Tallahasse, Dip. Studi Classici, U.S.A
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