Summary (English)
The following projects continued:
1. Zone I, the well. Excavation arrived at 26.74 meters below datum, to the level of the water table. Excavations were suspended indefinitely due to the need for a water pump and other appropriate equipment. The usual fragments of box flue tile, Roman glass and stones were extracted, along with several vessels broken into numerous pieces. and one sherd of a vessel decorated with wavy lines (Late Antique/Langobard). 2. The Roman baths and other features on the escarpment on the N side of Zone I. A massive amount of earth was removed from the 3 × 6 m unit on the east of a fragmentary wall of the Roman baths. Artifactual material in the Roman horizon continued to support a dating in the period of Augustus. In the lowest stratum just above bedrock was encountered material of the fourth century BC. Here were fragments of tile lying flat, sherds from fine black gloss wares and a number of pieces from a mortarium. There was little or no evidence that this stratum was part of the Roman fill, but the possibility cannot be ruled out.Against the wall on the northeast side of Room 4 of the baths, the packing contained lumps of cocciopesto and fragments of painted plaster, suggesting that this wall and possibly all of Room 4 belonged to a second phase of the baths. Since the finds in the Roman terracing nearby suggest that the fragmentary wall there belongs to the Augustan phase, Room 4 may be hypothetically dated after the Augustan period. A drainage channel was found on the north of the wall, which formed part of the same system as a channel excavated in earlier years directly on the east of Room 4.
3. Zone II, the area south of the Hellenistic cisterns, Structures A and B. A new unit was opened immediately south of the party wall dividing Structures A and B. Two architectural features were immediately evident, a sandstone wall running north-south, evidently an extension of the party wall, and a segment of rough sandstone pavement. The pavement was cleared to reveal a number of loose stones, small to medium in size. The wall, ca. 1.00 m wide, is constructed with large roughly shaped blocks running along each side of the wall and with smaller stones and earth filling in the spaces. The masonry style is identical to that of the diagonal wall excavated in 2002, which forms part of the recently identified Structure L. In the southeast corner of the unit was uncovered a group of stones that form a wall running east-west, perpendicular to the new large wall, but with an estimated width of 0.80 m. The fill in between the north-west wall and these two stone features was a hard yellow clay with very few artifacts within it. The combination of the rough masonry style with the yellow clay fill and low artifact content was observed consistently in Structure L, dating to the Etruscan Late Phase II (150-75 B.C.).
- Nancy T. de Grummond - Florida State University, Tallahassee, Dept. of Classics
- Ornella Fonzo
- Nòra Marosi - Studio Art Centers International, Florence
- Rosalba Settesoldi
- Francesco Cini - ICHNOS
- Mauro Buonincontri - ICHNOS
- J. Theodore Peña - University of California, Berkeley
Research Body
- Florida State University, Tallahassee, Dept. of Classics
- New York University
- Studio Art Centers International
- Syracuse University
- University of North Carolina-Asheville
Funding Body
- Florida State University, Tallahasse, Dip. Studi Classici, U.S.A
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