Summary (English)
Four projects were resumed:
1. Zone I, the well. Excavation in the well finished at 24.1 meters below datum. The type of finds was almost unchanged from the previous excavations; the fill of mud, stones (some worked) and brick and tile, along with some Roman glass, red-gloss pottery, African sigillata, iron nails and Roman box-flue tiles seemed to represent a dumping episode of largely Roman materials. Of interest was a rim of a dolium (undated), with a graffito of a tree (ramus siccus) incised upon it. 2. The Roman baths and other features on the escarpment on the N side of Zone I. On the West side of the scarp excavations probed the north wall of Room 4, Area G, removing first the overlying medieval agger, rich with pottery from many periods, with medieval bread pans (testo) among the latest datable objects. Finds included a stamp from an amphora with the name EVTYCHEI, discovered only a few centimeters away from where another amphora stamp was found in 1993, with the name M.LVRI. Very likely parts of the same vessel, they come from a medium-sized, buff colored amphora of Greco-Italic type (3rd century B.C.). In the area of the two 3 × 6 m. units, finds similar to those above and in the refuse pit continued to emerge, including Roman red-gloss, box flue tiles, a nearly whole Roman lamp (late 3rd-2nd century B.C.) a bronze coin of the prow series, and beneath that bucchero and overpainted Etruscan ware. Of particular interest were two tracts of stones that appeared at the bottom of the units running parallel to one another at a distance of ca. 4.5 m., hypothesized to be part of an entranceway running between Zone I and Zone II. 3. Zone II, the area S of the Hellenistic cisterns, Structures A and B. Foundation walls for a large building, now called Structure L, continued to be revealed. A sandstone wall, ca. 0.90-1.00 m wide, running on a diagonal in relation to Structures A, B, and C etc., but directly perpendicular to a wall uncovered in 2001, is associated with the Etruscan Hellenistic period (probably Late Phase II). To the north of the wall is a vaguely defined area of flat stones, which may be a part of a paving. Elsewhere in Structure L, a hard yellow clay forms a beaten earth floor with very little artifactual content. 4. Zone II, a unit north of the kiln, Structure K. Excavations focused on uncovering the praefurnia of the kiln in an attempt to understand the work space next to them and to identify as precisely as possible the period of usage of the kiln and its final years. The pottery was a typical Hellenistic assemblage, with a great deal of Cetamura Fabric 3 (=argilla chiara granulosa) and black gloss; only a few sherds of Volterran Presigillata emerged, confirming an earlier hypothesis that the ware may have come to Cetamura right around the time the kiln was closed (ca. 150 B.C.).
- Nancy T. de Grummond - Florida State University, Tallahassee, Dept. of Classics
- Ornella Fonzo
- Nòra Marosi - Studio Art Centers International, Florence
- Rosalba Settesoldi
- Francesco Cini - ICHNOS
- Mauro Buonincontri - ICHNOS
- J. Theodore Peña - University of California, Berkeley
Research Body
- Florida State University, Tallahassee, Dept. of Classics
- New York University
- Studio Art Centers International
- Syracuse University
- University of North Carolina-Asheville
Funding Body
- Florida State University, Tallahasse, Dip. Studi Classici, U.S.A
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