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  • Castello di Miranduolo
  • Coste Castagnoli
  • Miranduolo
  • Italy
  • Tuscany
  • Province of Siena
  • Chiusdino



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

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  • No period data has been added yet


    • This excavation involved a settlement known in the written sources from the beginning of the 11th century (it was first mentioned in a document of 1004) with the aim of discovering its pre-castrum origins and following its development until its final aband... Read More
    • During the 2010 campaign work continued on the north slope of the summit area (Area 1), in a zone up against the early medieval ditch and outside of the castle’s curtain wall. Of great interest the earliest evidence relating to a mining tunnel linked to m... Read More
    • The eleventh excavation campaign took place between the 29th August-28th October and reopened areas begun in previous years. The excavation on the northern slope of Area 1, up against the early medieval ditch, was extended so that it joined Area 14. The ex... Read More
    • La dodicesima campagna di scavo ha avuto la durata di otto settimane (3 settembre – 26 ottobre 2012) e si è incentrata su aree già avviate negli anni precedenti (Aree 1, 11, 14, 15 e 17), cui se ne è aggiunta una nuova all’interno della cinta muraria sul v... Read More
    • The 13th excavation campaign on the site of the castle of Miranduolo (Chiusdino, Siena) concentrated on extending existing trenches and the opening of a new sector (Area 19): – Area 11 (south-western part of the hill) was enlarged to the east, exposing t... Read More
    • This was the 14th campaign and this year’s excavations concentrated on extending pre-existing areas.

      In Area 11 (southern part of the hill) the slight traces of the circuit wall, dating to the second half of the 11th century (running parallel to the late

      ... Read More
    • La campagna di scavi 2016 si è concentrata in quattro aree di scavo: sul versante nord della collina andando a indagare il piano compreso tra le Aree 18 e 19 a nord e 15 a ovest (area 15 quadrato B3), l’ampliamento di area 20 indagata nel 2015 intorno all... Read More


    • Marco Valenti. 2010. Chiusdino (SI). Miranduolo. FOLD&R Italy: 182.
    • PDF permalink
    • Marco Valenti. 2011. Miranduolo (Chiusdino – SI). Campagna 2010. FOLD&R Italy: 223.
    • PDF permalink
    • Marco Valenti. 2011. Miranduolo (Chiusdino – SI). Campagna 2011. FOLD&R Italy: 241.
    • PDF permalink
    • Marco Valenti. 2012. Miranduolo (Chiusdino – SI) Campagna 2012. FOLD&R Italy: 267.
    • PDF permalink
    • Marco Valenti. 2013. Miranduolo (Chiusdino – SI). Campagna di scavo 2013: nuovi dati sul villaggio di VIII secolo d.C. . FOLD&R Italy: 299.
    • PDF permalink
  • 200 AD
  • 600 AD
  • 1400 AD