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  • Preslav - Royal Palace
  • Veliki Preslav
  • Preslav
  • Bulgaria
  • Shumen
  • Veliki Preslav



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

  • AIAC_logo logo

Summary (English)

  • PRESLAV (Stoicho Bonev –, Radostina Georgieva) The explorations of the large building consisting of three parts dated to the end of the 9th – 10th centuries continued. The building was 20 m wide and over 14 m long and was built of limestone ashlars, 0.80 – 1 m long, 40 – 60 cm wide and 40 cm high, bonded with mortar. The walls were 1.40 – 1.50 m wide, preserved up to 1.30 m in height. The foundations were 2 m wide and 1.60 m deep, built of roughly-cut stones and three courses of ashlars bonded with mortar, over timber posts driven at 30 cm into the ground under the stone structure. A central hall, 5 m wide, was located in the middle of the building. Its floor was paved with marble slabs, from 60 cm by 80 cm to 1 m by 1.20 m in size, placed over a mortar layer. Two rows of smaller rooms were documented from both sides of the central hall. The floors in some of the rooms were paved with square bricks, most of them with incised proto-Bulgarian symbols. Cornices with dentils, tori and semi-pilasters from the outer façade of the building were discovered. Fragments from marble columns, a marble base, marble capitals and elements from two types of floor panels in opus sectile from the interior decoration were found as well. The building was a palace.

  • Stoicho Bonev - Shumen Branch of the Archaeological Institute and Museum 
  • Radostina Georgieva - Archaeological Museum Veliki Preslav 



Research Body

  • Archaeological Museum Veliki Preslav
  • Shumen Branch of the Archaeological Institute and Museum

Funding Body


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