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  • Preslav - Royal Palace
  • Veliki Preslav
  • Preslav
  • Bulgaria
  • Shumen
  • Veliki Preslav



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

  • AIAC_logo logo

Summary (English)

  • ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS IN PRESLAV (Stoicho Bonev –, Radostina Georgieva) The architectural ensemble, consisting of two buildings dated to the end of the 9th – beginning of the 10th centuries, was discovered. The first one is a building with a portico consisting of parallel rooms arranged in a line and the second one with a complex layout is located to the north of it. The building with a portico is 22.60 m long and consists of three parallel rooms arranged in a line oriented east – west. The bases of the columns of the portico are located at 2.80 in front of the northern face of the building and measure 1.30 m by 1.30 m. The columns were square, built of ashlars, and measured 80 cm by 80 cm. A room, 3.20 m by 1.80 m in size, is added to the northern façade in the western end of the building. A path of stone slabs, which lead to the basin built of ashlars bonded with mortar, was situated in front of the second room of the main building. The building with a complex layout measures 12.70 m by 15.30 m and is located at 1.80 to the north of the portico. The building consists of nine rooms arranged in three lines. The western and the eastern rooms were 2 m wide, while the central rooms were 4.70 m wide. The pavement of stone slabs in front of the building with a portico and around the building with a complex layout is over 20 m long and is connected to the pavement situated to the south of the Archbishop’s Palace. The pavement was built over the remains of an earlier building destroyed during the construction of the palatial square. A water-conduit of terracotta pipes, 42 cm long and 16 cm in diameter, was discovered, leading to the building with a complex layout. At the end of the 11th – 12th centuries, 14 midden pits were dug over the debris of the architectural ensemble. During the 13th century, a Christian cemetery appeared on the site and 195 graves have been discovered so far.

  • Stoicho Bonev - Shumen Branch of the Archaeological Institute and Museum 
  • Radostina Georgieva - Archaeological Museum Veliki Preslav 



Research Body

  • Archaeological Museum Veliki Preslav
  • Shumen Branch of the Archaeological Institute and Museum

Funding Body


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