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  • Domo
  • Castellare



    • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

      MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

      ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

      AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

    • AIAC_logo logo

    Summary (English)

    • The 2012 excavations in the locality of Domo (Bibbiena – AR) concentrated on the partial reopening of areas investigated in the 1980s, on the continuation of work in areas examined in 2011 and the opening of new sectors. The trenches were positioned in correspondence with the so-called “great baths” complex, including the areas to the north, west, and south of this structure.

      Area north of the “great baths” – The investigations in this area uncovered the south-eastern corner of a new room; the dimensions and characteristics of its walls bonded with mortar were comparable to those of the “great baths”. The only excavation in this area consisted of the emptying of a hole partially cutting the north-south wall.

      Room 8 – The investigations were completed with the exception of the trench passing through the perimeter walls to the east. The presence of orthogonal walls made up of mortar and brick/tile were documented in partial correspondence with the actual limits of the room. These structures were later razed, and the actual internal walls of the room were built on top of them. Subsequently, the floor surface was lowered down to present levels (corresponding with the tops of the wall from the first phase). This operation completely exposed the foundations of the internal side of the phase two walls, making it necessary to consolidate them. This was undertaken by building the second belt of walls that delimit the room. The entrance to the north was maintained and, given the greater depth of the room, transformed into a sort of chute. The passing trench on the east side was created, its was not completely excavated, but it probably housed a small channel.

      Area west of rooms 6 and 8 – A series of walls on an east-west alignment was identified in this area. The structures were razed and obliterated by layers of earth mixed with a large quantity of brick/tile fragments. This deposit was cut by the construction of the walls west of room 6. The value of this context is clear: the structures and obliteration levels provide a terminus post quem for the construction of the “great baths”.

      Room 5 – the two construction phases proposed in the preceding campaign were confirmed: a first smaller room, later slightly enlarged to the west and substantially lengthened to the south. The presence of supporting walls around the room was confirmed, isolating the actual perimeter walls and against which the opus signinum floor rested. A level of fill was noted across the whole of the southern part of the room, seeming to abut the structures of the first room and cut by those of the subsequent enlargement.

      Area south of room 5 – another room was identified to the south of those already known, but differing in construction technique and of later date according to the stratigraphic relationships. The identification, in this area, of what was probably a small kiln is of great interest. Its presence here seems to indicate a drastic change in the function of this area of the site.

      Test trenches west and north of the “great baths” were dug in order to check the stratigraphy.

    • Alfredo Guarino - Archeodomani sas 
    • Lorenzo Dell’Aquila - Archeodomani sas 


    • Luca Fedeli - Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana


    • Simone Caglio - Archeodomani sas

    Research Body

    • Archeodomani sas

    Funding Body

    • Comune di Bibbiena


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