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  • Gluhite Kamani Church
  • Malko Gradishte
  • Bulgaria
  • Haskovo
  • Lyubimets
  • Malko gradishhe



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

  • AIAC_logo logo

Summary (English)

  • ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS NEAR THE VILLAGE OF MALKO GRADISHTE (Doichin Grozdanov –, Galina Grozdanova) The explorations of the church continued. A floor paved with bricks was discovered in the nave of the earlier church of the Early Byzantine period dated by coins of the 6th century AD, the latest one minted by Justin II and Sophia. A layer with traces from fire was documented above the floor, indicating that the Early Byzantine church was burned down. A layer with traces from fire was also documented in the northern aisle. A wall of a building was discovered, which preceded the Early Byzantine church, most probably belonging to a pagan sanctuary. Its foundation was dug into a stratum of the Late Iron Age. A layer with debris, 1 m thick, was discovered beneath the mortar floor plaster of the latest reconstructions in the southern aisle. The layer contained a large number of fragmentary frescoes. A layer with traces from fire was documented and the Early Byzantine floor paved with bricks was discovered beneath. The stylobate of the Mediaeval church was dug into a stratum of the Early Iron Age that was also documented in the nave and the narthex. Two Mediaeval floor levels were documented in the narthex. The Early Byzantine three-nave basilica functioned during the 6th century AD. The Mediaeval three-nave basilica was built over the ruins of the Early Byzantine church and functioned from the first quarter of the 12th to the first decades of the 13th centuries.

  • Doichin Grozdanov - National Institute for Immovable Cultural Heritage 
  • Galina Grozdanova - Archaeological Institute with Museum 


  • Doichin Grozdanov - National Institute for Immovable Cultural Heritage
  • Galina Grozdanova - Archaeological Institute with Museum


Research Body

  • Archaeological Institute with Museum
  • National Institute for Immovable Cultural Heritage

Funding Body


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